I Missed You

Dr Fakhar Shabir Malik
1 min readDec 17, 2020
Photo by Daniel Hooper on Unsplash

I know I haven’t been able to say it to your face ,I know I have been avoiding you for the reasons I can explain. And I know this pandemic has tested you a lot lately.

But, I promise you the next time I see you, and I am very much hopeful of that, it will will be very soon enough,

When I will be able able to say yes stranger, I’ve Missed You.

I have missed your laugh echoing in the park I used to go for a jog, I missed your screams at a football match, I have missed your enthusiasm In those NBA matches.

I know you’ve missed me too,

So listen, take care for the pandemic is real and I don’t want to lose you.

It’s okay if I don’t know you but, remember there’s someone who wants you to be safe. And also please wear a mask for it is the only way we can overcome these testing times.

I know it’s strange for me to say it, but let’s practice social distancing so sooner than later we will be together again and


To The Stranger Who Is Reading This. Be Safe.



Dr Fakhar Shabir Malik

"A Certified Medical Doctor, Writer, and Singer,Who embraces unbiased observations. Reality intrigues more than made-up stories. Let's keep it real & authentic"